Elizabeth Banks’ Instagram snake giveaway is a game changer for celebrity wine marketing
The canned-wine company Archer Roose, its latest promotion: the Archer Roose Snake Rewards Program. Actor Elizabeth Banks — an investor in the company and its “chief creative officer” — announces that “running a sustainably sourced wine business is about giving back.” That’s why, she says, Archer Roose is offering a special giveaway. For every 100,000 cases of wine you buy, you’ll be sent a live snake. “Because we believe wine can make the world a better place. And you deserve the snake of your dreams.” By offering such a ridiculous reward, Archer Roose seems to be saying: We understand that the giveaways have gotten out of control. “When it comes to rewarding you for your loyalty and purchases,” reads the company’s website, “we know there’s only one way we can express our immense gratitude. With snakes.” Read more >>