ARVO LIVE: eSight Go: Smart glasses for low vision enhancement
Ophthalmology Times® talked with Roland Mattern, Director of Sales and Marketing for eSight and eSight User Gary Foster at this year’s ARVO meeting about eSight Go, the new model of smart glasses for low vision enhancement. “Our current product is in our booth, but what we’re excited about is a product we will be launching at the end of 2023. It is the eSight Go, smart glasses for low vision enhancement, and in essence, the product does a similar functionality as a current product, but it’s a new form factor. We’re designed to help individuals with central vision loss with a visual acuity of 20 over 80 up to 20/800. In many cases, we will take patients back to 20/20 functional vision for reading, for activities of daily living, doing everything but driving the life.” Read more >>