Marketing enters its digital renaissance
A major movement as part of the Renaissance era, Humanism is defined by scholars as an intellectual movement in which people began to view themselves as the center of their own universe and embrace human achievements. Today, many might note that marketing has entered its renaissance as digital solutions have allowed brands to take their engagement with consumers to another level. The Elizabeth Banks Book Club campaign from Archer Roose directed consumers to the brand’s Instagram page to join “the club.” The most recent was the Elizabeth Banks Book Club, a club where the books don’t actually matter. In the video announcement, Banks states “Our ‘club’,” in air quotes, “is designed to get people right to the wine. It celebrates the camaraderie enjoyed with friends and Archer Roose.” Consumers automatically join “the club” by following @archerroosewines on Instagram. Here consumers are encouraged to share the titles on their personal channels, stock up on Archer Roose or call their own “book club meeting.” Read more >>