EXCLUSIVE: 4 assistive technologies for those with low vision

EXCLUSIVE: 4 assistive technologies for those with low vision

Roland Mattern, Director of Marketing for eSight by Gentex, discusses some assistive technologies that are enabling people with vision loss to gain back independence. Bone conduction headphones: Bone conduction headphones transmit sound by sending audio vibrations along bones near the ears, keeping the ears free from obstruction. Mobile applications: There are countless mobile applications available that can be downloaded to smartphones or tablets and are built specifically for people with low vision in mind. Smart eyewear: Assistive wearable technology in the form of digital eyewear is another invaluable tool for medical providers to help improve the quality of life for people with visual impairments. Braille keyboards and display: Braille keyboards and displays have been developed to help those with vision loss to understand both the input and output of content from computer and mobile device screens. Read more >>

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