Is Celebrity Alcohol the New Perfume?

Is Celebrity Alcohol the New Perfume?

The future as we know it is here: Walking down the liquor aisle to grab your favorite bottle of rosé is now impossible to do without passing at least a dozen celebrity-backed alcohols along the way (spotting them all is a fun drinking game in itself, too). Seemingly overnight, spirits brands have rapidly become the hot new accessory for famous people (and their investment portfolios) in our current era, mimicking the perfume craze of celebrities in the ’90s and ’00s. Many celebrity-owned brands go on to become bestsellers in their respective categories (vodka, tequila), and retailers are taking note. Take Archer Roose: Founder and CEO, Marian Leitner-Waldman, added Elizabeth Banks as a partner, major investor, and CCO five years after its initial launch. Read more >>

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