Jeff Champagne

Venture Fast Track: Fundraising Bootcamp for Early Stage Entrepreneurs & Meet 35+ Boston Investors!

The Capital Network’s Fast Track Boot Camp for Early Stage Entrepreneurs, is an intensive, interactive full-day seminar designed to provide entrepreneurs and innovators an in-depth understanding of what it takes to raise early stage capital. Mentors and Faculty are drawn from New England’s Investment and Entrepreneurship Community and will include members of: Launchpad Venture Group, RevUp Capital, Boston Harbor Angels, Golden Seeds, Cherrystone Angels, PipelineAngels, Mass Med Angels, LearnLaunch Ventures, Sigma Prime Ventures, MassChallenge, Hub Angels, Nutter, Bessemer Venture Partners, Walnut Angels,...

When product development goes sideways (and how to fix it)

Product development going wrong? You may need a tiger team. By Jeff Champagne and Eric Claude, MPR Associates, Inc. We would all like for product development projects to go smoothly and predictably, but you know what they say about “the best-laid plans.” Robert Burns aside, when needed technologies do not integrate as easily as planned, hardware or software bugs crop up at the last minute (or worse, cause failures in the field), or project teams struggle to complete work on schedule, forward...