Skyline Medical

Skyline Medical Merging with Texas Biomedical Firm

After 15 years in business, Eagan-based Skyline Medical Inc. has nominal revenue and has never turned a profit. But the publicly traded Skyline is now looking to boost its revenue by merging with the privately held CytoBioScience Inc., which is based in San Antonio, Texas. The pending deal will also bring Skyline into a new line of business. Read more >>

Skyline Medical Expands Relationship with GLG Pharma to Include Exclusive Distribution of STREAMWAY in Poland and Other Central European Countries

Skyline Medical Inc. (NASDAQ:SKLN) (“Skyline” or “the Company”), producer of the FDA-approved STREAMWAY® System for automated, direct-to-drain medical fluid disposal, announces that it has agreed to grant GLG Pharma, LLC (“GLG”) exclusive rights to market and distribute the STREAMWAY® System in Poland and certain other countries in Central Europe. Read more >>

Skyline Medical and GLG Pharma Enter into Partnership to Develop Diagnostic Tests for Skyline’s STREAMWAY System

Skyline Medical Inc. (NASDAQ:SKLN) (“Skyline” or “the Company”), producer of the FDA-approved STREAMWAY® System for automated, direct-to-drain medical fluid disposal, announces the signing of a partnership and exclusive reseller agreement with GLG Pharma, LLC (“GLG”). Read more >>