Tag - eSight

Beulah residents raise $10,000 to improve student’s sight

Imagine a life without clear sight. That's the reality 14-year-old Noah Anderson has been living. He was born with albinism, which is a condition that reduces pigmentation in the iris. It also causes a loss of eyesight. Thursday he was given a pair of eSight glasses which have allowed him to see clearly for the first time. Read more >>

Local boy wishes for the gift of sight

Tristen Stickle was seven-months-old when he was declared legally blind. Doctors diagnosed him with several issues that affected his eyesight: Hypoplasia, Congenital Nystagmus, Vertical Bobbing-Ocular Torticollis, Alternating Exotropia and Myopia and Astigmatism. In spite of this, Tristen still has high aspirations for his future. In an online page, he wrote that he wants to become an engineer one day and help develop faster, smarter cars. Thanks to new technology, eSight glasses, it could soon be easier for Tristen to chase...