Yearly Archives - 2017

Electronic glasses help blind woman see 20/20

“Oh! It's working,” Belskis said, as she turned on her brand new electronic glasses made by eSight. In Belskis' case, she can see 20/20 when they’re on. The glasses have a high-speed camera that captures everything the user is looking at. They display a video on two OLED screens in front of the user's eyes. Read more >>

Respiratory Motion, Inc. and Corestone Biosciences (Beijing) Co., Ltd., have established a Joint Venture Company to deliver monitoring solutions to Chinese healthcare market and the globe

Respiratory Motion, Inc. (Waltham, Massachusetts, USA) the global leader in minute ventilation monitoring and Corestone Biosciences Co., Ltd., an innovative medical device company in anesthesia and analgesia headquartered in Beijing, China have entered into an agreement to form a Joint Venture Company (JV). The JV will offer a new generation of Respiratory Volume Monitors based on Respiratory Motion's ExSpiron platform, along with other novel critical care solutions for hospital and home markets. The JV will operate out of Zhengzhou in...

Polaroid. The long, slow demise of a tech giant.

Boston Harbor Angel members, Ziad Moukheiber and David Powsner, are the hosts of Failure – the Podcast, a podcast about about business failures, focusing on startups and emerging companies. In episode two,  Moukheiber, Powsner, and Mark Thirman chat with Sam Liggero, a former Polaroid executive and, now, a professor at Tufts University. Tune in >>

‘Appy to get help from technology

The charity regularly hosts exhibitions of the latest technological aids – including a big annual show. It also has a permanent display available. Earlier this year Brian became the first European to trial Canadian innovation eSight eyewear – a headset which bypassed the damage to his sight caused by two sports injuries 27 years ago and enabled him to ‘see’ in real time. Read more >>

Staff Sgt. Robert Davis: Seeing is believing

Earlier this year Ms. Davis learned of the new technology entitled eSight’s glasses after a staff doctor demonstrated their use to her. The new Federal Drug Administration approved device is equipped with a high-speed, high definition camera that captures everything the user is looking at. eSight’s algorithms enhance the video feed and display it on two high-tech screens in front of the user’s eyes. Fill color video images are clearly seen by the user with visual clarity. The glasses help...

Startups win another $500,000 from Boeing and CASIS for zero-gravity tech

Eleven startups in all have benefited from the “Technology in Space” prizes awarded since 2014 at MassChallenge Boston, with backing from CASIS and Boeing. The two startups selected for awards in 2015, Biorasis and LaunchPad Medical, should see their experiments fly to the space station next month aboard SpaceX’s Dragon cargo capsule. Read more >>